Goldene Äpfel der Hesperiden

12. November 2017
— 29. April 2018
The Golden Apples of the Hesperides
The golden apples bestow youth, beauty and wisdom and are guarded by the Hesperides. In dealing with art – often in guarded spaces by the way – the ability to be curious, open and an active thinker are richly rewarded.
Insights and emotions are all around you.
Even as one approaches a work of art, it pays to ask whether it is an expression of truth or perhaps a mirage; whether art is a means to convey information or whether it is simply “other”. Can we still speak of women's art? Many contemporary female artists considered and still consider themselves disadvantaged. Social debates about abortion, sexuality, abuse and gender led to a deeper engagement with topics such as identity, body, and intimacy. And, although feminist demands have hardly been met in the art world, many publications exist, which stress the role and the importance of feminist art.
We’re opening the garden of the Hesperides!
Franziska Becker, Sandra Brandeis-Crawford, Ines Braun, Sonia Félix Cherit, Luisa Francia, Cecilia Herrero-Laffin, Matuschka, Monika Niebergall, Margarethe Petersen, Annette Schreier, Paula Pipa, Beldan Sezen, Christine Rieck-Sonntag, Karin Rothschink/Eva Mau, Constance Short, Annegret Soltau, Maria Stiehl, Helen Ungerer, Roswitha van der Zander, Franca Weiss u.a.